Positive Potential

In partnership with local schools and communities, Arizona Youth Partnership is proud to facilitate Positive Potential programming. This holistic, preventative and positive curriculum focuses on the youth’s development of assets and competencies. This program helps schools increase protective factors, promote school connectedness, and increases developmental assets.
Available to students in 6-8th grade and can be delivered 100% virtually or in person.
Evidence Based Results
Age-appropriate lessons on bullying, self-confidence, and avoidance of risky behaviors​
Increases positive attitudes about increased knowledge
Increased skills to help them avoid sexual activity in high school
More teens made a commitment to delay engaging in sexual activities to reduce their risk of an STD
More teens learned about the hazards of sex and agreed the best way to avoid and STD or unwanted pregnancy is not to have sex
More teens said they were less likely to have sex in the next year, if they were to have sex, 69% were more likely to use birth control and 68% were more likely to use a condom